" Why no one will help me?
I am too dumb, I am too smart
They'll not understand me
I am lonely, they'll hate me
And there is not enough time
It's too hard to help me
And God wants me to work No resting, no lazy
These excuses
How they've served me so well
They've kept me safe
They've kept me stoic
They've kept me locked in my own cell
I'm too far from home
It takes far too much energy
And I cannot afford to one will ever see me
These excuses
How they served me so well
They've kept me safe
They've kept me stoic
They've kept me locked inside myself
These excuses
How they're so familiar
They've kept me blocked
They've kept me small
They've kept me safe inside my shell
Bringing this into the light
Shakes their foundation and it clears my side
Now my imaginationIs the only thing that limits
The bar that is raised to the heights
No one can have it all
See, I have to, they want me to
And I can't let them down
I will never be happy
These excuses
How they served me so well
They've kept me safe
They've kept me stucked
They've kept me locked in my own cell
These excuses
How they're so familiar
They've kept me blocked
They've kept me small
They've kept me safe inside my shell "
(Excuses - Alanis Morissette)
7 comentários:
Se quizer eu te ajudo, tah?!!
Amiga msm longe, tô contigo p/ o que der e vier.
Eu não faço idéia do que diz essa música... mas eu te amo muito! rezandoooo..
Vou comprar um carregador para você carregar suas energias.
Eu sei o quanto é dificil te ajudar, mais você sabe que EU SOU BRASILEIRA E NÃO DESISTO NUNCA.
OS frutos virão e com eles a alegria da comunhão com Cristo.
Estou sempre aqui. Sabe onde me encontrar!
AAaa... nao existe preta mais linda q essa aqui!!!! amooo muito vc sabia? presente lindo vindo do coração do pai para minha vida!!!
E não se sinta presa...Deu te fez livre! =D
Não se sinta presa, a nada e ninguém...
Vamos tirar todo esse bloqueio do seu coração.... E aos poucos, vamos organizando o que no momento tá fora do lugar....
Amo, amo, amo... muito você!
Foto perfeita pretinha!
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